Tag: cpa exam

CPA Exam

How to prepare for the CPA exam: Strategies, Study Plans, & Resources?

Preparing for the CPA exam can be a challenging and intimidating experience. It requires dedication, hard work, and effective strategies to ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam. In this blog post, we will provide you with some valuable tips and resources to help you develop a successful CPA exam preparation plan. Create a […]

CPA Exam

CPA Evolution: The New CPA Exam’s Exposure Draft

The AICPA thinks that the CPA Exam must constantly change in order to be relevant in a fast-paced field and current with demands placed on newly licenced CPAs (nlCPAs). The number of accounting graduates and certified public accountants is rapidly declining, as Angie Brown, a Becker instructor and senior director of product management, reported on […]


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